PACEM Services
Our principal offering is overnight shelter each winter since 2004. From March 2020 through June 2023, the community tasked us with bringing that shelter experience into year-round hotel shelter operations in addition to our “congregate” offerings. We also co-manage a housing program for seniors with the Alliance for Interfaith Ministries (AIM) called Secure Seniors, submit disability claims for eligible clients using the SOAR process, provide specialized women’s services, and engage in a wide array of other community partnerships.
Shelter Saves Lives
Congregate Shelter
This operation is our core mission. Community partners, especially faith communities, open their buildings to serve as temporary shelter space for neighbors in need. They provide a warm welcome, hot meal, and socialization for our guests. Staff provide safety, coordination, and case management
PACEM’s congregate shelter typically opens around the last weekend in October and operates through mid-April, subject to changes in demand, weather, and other factors. Our congregate shelter season spans the time of year when the risk of freezing to death is real for those sleeping on the streets. Our shelter currently hosts as many as 25 adults, partnering with The Salvation Army for individuals beyond our bed capacity.

More than just shelter
PACEM helps people move from street to home
PACEM can help you move back into the community and out of our shelters. Our Case Manager/Advocate will work with you, meeting with you one-on-one at least every 14 days. Our goal is to help you along the path from Street to Home. Homes can include private, market rate rental apartments, moving back in with family and friends, public housing, nursing homes, and assisted living. In addition to assisting with stable housing, we help guests get into a more structured shelter with work and/or sobriety requirements and guide them as they reconnect with their family support network.
Learn more
Check out this guide on the connection between substance use disorders and homelessness (Bicycle Health).