Help Our Hosts
Our hosts are generous with their space, but many hands make light the work. Join us!

Ways To Partner
Hosting responsibilities include meal preparation and service, light supervision of spaces or activities (like “shower time monitor” and “smoking pass monitor”), and overnight shifts just in case of a facilities issue. Other sheltering responsibilities include setting up and breaking down the site materials, managing our storage space inventory, helping with laundry service, and lots of administrative tasks.
Depending on the size and scope of your group, here are some typical ways to partner with hosts:
- Congregations: If your congregation is small or far from the City, you can ally with a more central church to share the tasks of hosting. Essentially you “borrow” their space so YOU can host, for the full two-week period or a portion of it.
- Organizational Support: Though founded by the faith community, PACEM is not a faith-based organization. We welcome secular groups like service fraternities, musician groups, business alliances or small businesses, and others to serve our neighbors. Past organizations have cut men’s hair, done manicures for our women, or played live music one night.
- Individuals or Families: Our need is greatest during the holiday seasons (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, and Easter) as well as the student fall, winter, and spring breaks. Our hosts would love your support to serve just one meal or step in to fill other volunteer roles during these hard times.
We would be happy to connect you to our hosts! Please contact us at
Fundraisers Build Awareness of Our Neighbors’ Needs
Regular giving by congregations, social mission collections, and special collections sustain our shelters year after year. Even a small worship group can join together with other congregations and take up a collection as winter days come upon us. For support, contact PACEM’s staff.
Individuals and other organizations can fund-raise, too! Something as simple as a bowl of chili can bring your neighbors together. Or maybe a mixer for your next business club meeting. While you enjoy a warm meal or a refreshing drink, and the community of friends, take up a collection for those who would otherwise go without these things. Many moons ago, collections between friends and neighborhoods allowed us to extend our season, and we are seeking to expand our shelter season again. For information about collecting for PACEM, e-mail our Executive Director.
Make a small donation as an individual or in honor of your family. $30 provides a safe place to spend the night and opens the door for individuals to believe they can move on from the crisis of homelessness. Donate online.