Charlottesville Charity Celebrates End of a Busy Season

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – A Charlottesville charity is celebrating the end of another busy season of helping homeless people find shelter.

Thursday evening, PACEM (People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry), held a thank you bash to show all its volunteers just how much the group appreciates the help.

The shelter for the homeless served 219 people this year, which is up from 2015.

PACEM says it would not have been possible without its thousands of volunteers.

“People from congregations, volunteers who were willing to help out, business people who stepped up and offered in kind donations, our donors are always generous with us,” said Dawn Grzegorczyk, PACEM executive director.

During the winter, PACEM works to coordinate shelter for the homeless at different churches in the area.

Most of the people PACEM served stayed with the shelter for about a month before moving on to a more stable living situation.

This was PACEM’s 12th winter of providing shelter.
